Lesson 05

Learn how to connect a bluetooth module to your Arduino and then use that to pair to an iOS or Android phone

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What you’ll learn

In this lesson you will learn how to connect a HC-08 (or HC-09 / HC-10) bluetooth module to your Arduino and then use that to pair to an iOS or Android phone. We will then modify the code written in previous lessons to remotely control our SMARS.

Things’s you’ll needs

Before you begin, you’ll need to make sure you have a couple of things before you start this lesson:


  1. Connect the SMARS to the USB cable, and the USB Cable to your computer
  2. Launch the Arduino IDE on your computer
  3. Create a new Sketch, by clicking the New Sketch button

Lets code!

This page was first created on 20 July 2020, and was last updated on 20 July 2020